
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shining Moon...

We often say and think that we “spend too much time on Twitter.” In fact, Eric (@dobror) always starts his daily tweets by writing that. It’s true of course, but then again…  I find Twitter, more often than not, educational and interesting as well as fun and entertaining.

It is on Twitter that I came across a form of Japanese poetry called Haiku thanks to Samer Chehab (@meetsamer) and Dany Awad (@DanyAwad) and Pascal Assaf (@PascalAssaf). I was totally fascinated by their writings and started looking into this form of light verse. Thanks to Google, you can do the searches as I did into Haiku. For a closer look at Haiku, you can read "The Haiku Handbook 123"  by @HaikuLebanon

Not being at all poetic, I would need another lifetime to read about, discover and master this magical form of words. But I find myself often thinking in syllables, or on, to form the three phrases of 17 on – 5, 7 and 5. I especially do this on my evening runs. It passes the time and my fellow runners must wonder why I am always gesturing with my fingers.

I’d like, at Mich Café, to try my hand at this beautiful art form and would welcome any guests who would like to contribute and participate.

Shining moon…

Sweating, I look up

And wonder, who else sees you

Shining moon so bright...